Spraying is in our DNA.
Recently, whilst showing a customer around our latest machine, I was asked if I could describe what had gone into the making of it?
My immediate response was ‘heart and soul’. From my father’s perspective and indeed my own, we’ve always absolutely loved what we do, perhaps a little too much.
A passion for solving spraying problems is how Bateman began. Everything starts with a sketch, you need that trigger to take an idea in a certain direction that allows you to have that creative moment within a logical, process-driven engineering environment. The magic is hearing from our customers that what we believed would make a real difference to their productivity has exceeded expectations.
Today’s Bateman Sprayers are an evolution of 40 plus years of continual refinement. Our focus always is to improve our products, it’s what drives us, we go to extreme lengths to test a component before it’s approved for in-house production. However, whilst our sprayers have evolved over time, there are still one or two things that worked so well 25 years ago you’ll still find them on the machine today.
Bateman is unique in the way in which we do things; we are very much a family, it’s personal to our customers’ and it’s very personal to us. I would say fundamentally we are defined by design, the reliability of our machines, the back-up we provide and the team of people who make it all possible.
When you drive a Bateman sprayer you feel connected with it. The moment you push the stick forwards it responds immediately; the perfectly balanced weight distribution gives you the confidence to push on. New technologies allow us to make the sprayer easier to drive, however if you choose to take control, the unique physical driving connection of a Bateman sprayer is always maintained.
There are numerous sprayers on the market, however, I believe we’re the best machine to buy for the majority of spraying applications. Our aim is to build a sprayer that costs very little to run, starts every morning, is hassle-free and has a great resale value.
Over the coming months we’ll be releasing more innovations designed to make your spraying days and nights even easier. I look forward to sharing these with you and wish you the very best for the season.
Jason Bateman
Managing Director
R.J. Bateman Engineering
Would you like to book a demo? Contact us today and arrange for the Bateman Demonstration Team to visit your farm.