Supporting Shropshire farmers and growers.
Reliable machinery and trusted back up has helped keep the wheels turning for Bateman customers’ in Shropshire throughout COVID lockdowns…
D & K Povall & Sons are a mixed farm situated near Craven Arms. The business relies on a Bateman RB55 for spraying duties and it has been business as usual as Thomas Povall explains…
“Bateman has the best service in the business and the lockdowns have not affected it. Ordering parts couldn’t be more straightforward; a phone call before last post and the part arrives next day. The team know their machines inside-out, there’s always someone who can help with a tech question and if we need assistance on the farm an engineer is never far away.”
Across the county in Shrewsbury arable farmer Ian Williams runs an RB35 and is equally impressed… “The few times during lockdown that we’ve had a requirement Bateman’s service has been very efficient and full back up provided.
“Bateman sprayers are easy and accurate to use. You type in the water rate and it applies it correctly, the auto shut off does exactly that, you use the Bateman Boom Levelling and the boom follows the crop perfectly, it does exactly what you want from a sprayer.”
Sentiments echoed by Thomas Povall…”A wonderful British family run business helping farmers look after our environment through innovative products and services.”
Read more feedback from Bateman owners and operators on our testimonials page ››
Would you like to book a demo? Contact us today and arrange for the Bateman Demonstration Team to visit your farm.
Download our latest brochure
Our PDF brochure features details on our full range of self propelled crop sprayers.