Liquid fertilister application

The ultimate even-flow fertiliser spraying system

Our Accurate Dribble Bar system is another example of how we keep things simple when finding a solution to a requirement.

Accurate is a second line on the machine for Liquid Fertiliser applications. Available on both our Contour and Variable Geometry booms, Accurate is self-contained – the dribble bars are protected within the framework of the boom. Individual dribble bars are connected via an ingenious linking system forming a straight, solid line, which prevents accidental damage or twisting.

Automatic section reduces over application and increases output, turning sections on and off at field boundaries and previously applied areas. Real time crop information is available via sensors that measure crop vigour.

Accurate is tried and tested with thousands of hours in the field behind it. Bateman customer Ian Aldworth drives an RB26… “The Agleader is fully capable to cope with variable rate files and it’s very user friendly. We have been applying variable rate granular P&K since 2012.”

For more information contact us on 01769 580439

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