Naked Truths: Philip Palfrey
We’ve teamed up with YANA (You Are Not Alone) to promote mental wellbeing within the agricultural and rural community. Our Naked Truths calendar features thirteen of our finest, who stripped off for a good cause.
Philip Palfrey is a member of our product delivery and demonstration team. When we’re exhibiting our machines up and down the country, you’ll find Philip next to you in the cab, we promise he won’t be naked! However, what possessed Philip to make an exhibition of himself as our Mr February?
What made you decide to strip off for the camera?
Doing something so simple with a group of Bateman lads with the purpose of making a positive impact seemed a no-brainer.
Are you happy to share a personal story that is relevant?
I’ve been through some fairly significant life changes in recent times. As a demonstration/delivery driver I spend a lot of time alone in the truck, some of the journeys can be long. I rarely listen to the radio, so talking to myself and day dreaming has become quite normal on trips away.
Trying to figure out what is the right and wrong thing to do at times can be troubling. Becoming involved in the calendar has made this more relevant than I probably realised, from when I originally agreed to participate.
Why do you think it’s important to promote mental wellbeing?
Speaking from personal experience, sometimes you don’t realise that you’re not in the correct head space until you actually begin to understand your mental health and wellbeing. You don’t always need to talk to someone to get better, acknowledging that you are not well and trying to do something about it might be all you need.
If you’d like to make a donation please visit our Just Giving Page ››
About YANA
YANA exists to improve the mental health of those involved with agriculture. With a website full of useful information about mental health, practical resources, and a helpline that provides much needed support, the quality of life for many is improved. YANA understands agriculture and mental health and remains by your side if and when you need to talk.
Helpline – 0300 323 0400 or email helpline@yanahelp.org
Website – www.yanahelp.org
General Enquiries: admin@yanahelp.org
Instagram: @yanahelp1
Facebook: @yanahelp.org
Twitter: @yanafarming