Ken O’Flaherty, Engineering Apprentice at Bateman Sprayers

Ken O’Flaherty recently joined Bateman Sprayers as a Level 3 Engineering Apprentice, and here he discusses his experience in the role, what his day-to-day duties involve, and how he expects his two-year rotation with us to be of benefit to his career path in the long term…

My role at Bateman is…
“Level 3 Engineering Apprentice.”

Before I joined Bateman I was…
“Living in Ireland. I left education at the start of summer and was struggling to find something to sink my teeth into. An opportunity came my way to move to England and I took it. I decided that I wanted to study Engineering at college.”

A typical day for me at Bateman involves…
“Starting at 7am. My day begins with helping the paint shop distribute painted parts around the factory and set up the paint bay. Once that’s done I start work in the cab bay. Each day is different. I enjoy learning new skills and discovering more about Bateman Sprayers. ”

The most enjoyable aspect of my current role is…
“That I can come to work and study something I am interested in and enjoy doing. Between learning new skills and having a laugh with all the interesting characters around the factory it ends up being very enjoyable.”

Joining Bateman has taught me that…
“Working hard now will pay off in the future. When I join a new area in the factory I shadow my trainer and write down the process as much as I can in my own words. In my spare time, I look over my notes from the past and make revisions. This helps me learn the process fully.”

I have learned from the people around me that…
“Everything seems complicated at the start, but repetition is the best way to learn something. As I move through the different departments of the factory, I meet a variety of people. They are willing to teach me their skills and offer advice. I have gained a lot of experience from the Bateman team. ”

I would like my career path to progress…
“As far as I can possibly go. I emigrated because I wanted to focus on my future and making something of myself.”

I would recommend an apprenticeship at Bateman because…
“Of the wide range of engineering expertise that is available. In my 2-year rotation around the factory I will gain knowledge of the hydraulics and piping systems, the sprayer engine, help build the Bateman Sprayer Cab, weld the chassis frames and parts and build the spray pack on the back of the machine.
There are so many aspects of engineering that are available to me at Bateman that I wouldn’t experience elsewhere.”

The best advice I have ever been given is…
“Put in the work now and it will benefit you in the future.”

For more information please contact 01769 580439 or email

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Bateman Sprayers Engineering Apprenticea

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