chris shepherd of cs arable services with his rb35

Interview with Chris Shepherd – CS Arable Services

Can you describe the nature of your work?
Contractor for agricultural crop spraying and seed cleaning.

What spraying challenges do you face?
Legislation, weather, SFI, solar panels, chemical and fert deliveries.

What do you look for in a sprayer to meet your needs?
Cost, reliability, back up, and someone at the end of the phone.

What Bateman sprayer do you run?

Which options are fitted and what difference do they make to your work?
Agleader screen + auto swath + auto steering RTK, Bateman boom levelling.

Why do you choose Bateman?
British made, reliability, back up, parts, service and knowledge of sprayers and spraying.

How long have you been running Bateman sprayers?
25 years.

How do you find the cost of ownership?
Excellent running costs and a good resale value

How would you rate the back up from Bateman?
Second to none.

Are you able to sum up what owning a Bateman means to you?
Peace of mind.

Would you like to book a demo? Contact us today and arrange for the Bateman Demonstration Team to visit your farm.

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