In The Field December 2024
It’s fair to say that 2024 was a challenging year for the agricultural sector. It’s part of our national psyche to moan about the weather, but the excessive rainfall during winter into spring dealt a cruel blow to farmers; to the extent that in some cases fields were written off for the entire season.
In addition, there’s our government’s recent budget. Needless to say, at Bateman we are standing tall with the farming community. Agriculture is a way of life, the British public needs to understand just what farmers and the industry as a whole does for our country on a daily basis.
Despite a challenging year, sales of new sprayers remained consistent. By and large our build schedule stayed on track. We never take anything for granted though, rest assured we are busy in the background working on initiatives designed to further improve your ownership experience. Watch this space.
The market for pre-owned machines in general saw a slump last year. However, I’m pleased to report that there is still an appetite for a used Bateman, irrespective of the hours on the clock. Our machines are held in high regard, as such they hold their value. They offer exceptional value for money and another route into the Bateman ownership experience.
Everywhere you look manufacturers are now talking about ‘low cost of ownership’. Bateman have always spoken about low cost of ownership, our machines are designed to offer businesses the best possible ownership package, tailored to individual needs. It’s the very essence of our offer to the market.

Our message appears to be cutting through. We’ve been involved in a lot more in-depth conversations about Bateman’s cost of ownership with potential customers. We’ve also seen an increase in the number of trailed sprayer customers getting in touch with us. This is no doubt driven by the difficult field conditions experienced throughout 2024.
We design our machines so that weight is kept to the absolute minimum. This has resulted in Bateman customers’ reporting that they would not have travelled as frequently and easily with a heavier machine. Our balanced chassis, adaptive suspension and all-wheel drive system combined with VF tyre technology has certainly paid off this year.
When you need to go, you need to go! Applications are vital. Those extra spraying days that we’ve made possible through new technologies can make a big difference to the balance sheet. The accuracy of our PWM is helping our customers gain vital spraying opportunities in the field. Feedback from customers has been very positive. Careful nozzle choice provides the ability to control droplet size on difficult spraying days.
We firmly believe that the sprayer is the most important machine on the farm. When you rely on growing crops for a living you need a crop sprayer you can rely on. Everything on a Bateman is designed to help you get the most out of your fields. I look forward to spending time with you in your fields during the coming months.
Thank you for your continued support. Let’s hope 2025 is a better year for us all.

Carl Goff is Technical Sales Manager South.
Tel: 01769 618650
Mob: 07977 279809
Email: carl.goff@batemansprayers.com
Would you like to book a demo? Contact us today and arrange for the Bateman Demonstration Team to visit your farm.